Vote NO to Wight BID (Isle of Wight Business Improvement District), it is not fit for purpose and an unnecessary tax on the businesses of our island. It's had 5 years to prove itself as the great investment they promised us, but it but has failed demonstrate this so not worth throwing good money after bad.

P.S. If you would like to be put in contact with the NO Wight BID campaign team email us.




1. It’s an extra tax on hard working businesses we just don’t need.

2. Despite worst ever trading conditions they've had no compassion for hard hit businesses, even taking them to Court for non-payment, whilst other BIDs have waived whole year levies.

3. Wight BID is unfair. Many businesses like retail benefit from BID, but don’t have to pay anything.

4. It was a scheme pushed by IOW Council to plug their finances at the expense of us businesses. There are alternatives to the BID tax but IOW Council is too lazy to explore them.

5. A failed 2016 consultation process and ballot, with businesses left feeling bullied and forced into paying the BID levy.

6. Lack of transparency, particularly around Board meeting decision making and accounts / expenditure.

7. Broken promises from the 2016-2021 business plan.

8. The ‘biggest benefit’ they peddle is a free webpage, which is not really free. As a levy payers we’re already paying for it anyway, and the true cost is not £350/year.

9. High administration / management / staffing costs, which we were clearly lied to about in the plan.

10. As the BIDs’ clients (levy paying businesses) we are not pro-actively engaged by BID. When did the CEO last come around to your business to find out if you’re happy with the BID service you’re paying for?

As levy payers we deserve better whilst IOW Council are neglecting their responsibilibilities and laughing all the way to the bank. We don’t want another 5 years of this extortion, vote NO to Wight BID!


Read THESE blog articles FOR further scrutiny of Wight BID.